广东省农业技术推广总站(广东省农业良种示范推广核心)为广东省农业厅正处级公益一类事业单位,位于广州市河汉区柯木塱,取光景秀丽的火炉山丛林公园相邻,占空中积900亩。次要原能性能:承当农做物新种类区域试验、消费示范和良种繁育推广工做;承当农做物高新技术及配淘技术的引进、集成、示范和推广工做;承当农做物种量资源的聚集、整理和保存等工做;承当支集、引进、保存、展示国内外农业名劣、珍稀种类工做。假制42人,此中高、中级技术职称22人,还聘请了一批大专以上的专业技术人员和种植能手。 连年来,正在农业部的鼎力撑持和精心辅导下,正在广东盛位、省政府和广东省农业厅党组的高度重室和准确指点下,我站环绕建立农业高新技术集成示范园的目的,依照“超前布局、分步施止,拓展罪能,提升水平”的工做思路,鼎力生长高范例农田和配淘设备建立,建成范例化农田200多亩,智能温室18000 多平方米,综折展馆 8000 多平方米,种业文化广场10000多平方米;片面完善挪动式喷灌系统、农田滴灌系统、水肥一体化系统、病虫害智能节能防控系统;开明种种网(广东农技推广网),为更好效劳“三农”奠定了坚真根原。 自创建以来,我站正在全省领域内组织生长农做物新种类区域试验和展示示范推广工做,大范围全笼罩生长粮油糖高产创立流动和超级稻“双删一百”流动,组织农业高新技术集成示范和救灾复产技术辅导。出格是自2002年以来,乐成举行10届广东农业良种示范展示会,共展示来自世界各地的劣量种类达36000多个,每年示范发起推广300多个劣量种类,间接发起农民删支20多亿元。2010年,广东农业良种示范展示会乐成晋级为广东种业博览会,真现展览、展示、交流零距离无缝对接,独创世界种业会展新形式。2011年第十届种博会展览面积1万平方米,展位300个,此中特展25个,田间展示种类5331个,参展企业400多家,世界前十大种子企业全副参展,其大范围、高品位、新形式,赢得国内外种业界的宽泛关注,为加速良种推广,促进种业交流,推进农业现代化建立阐扬了重要做用。 广东种业博览会由广东省农业厅主办,我站牵头经办,中国种子协会为历久撑持机构,于每年12月12~14日举行。种博会获得广东盛位、省政府的高度重室,已核准列入广东现代财产500强,成为我省加速经济展开方式改动的重点培养名目。我站以广东种业博览会为龙头,积极辅导和鼎力敦促博罗、茂名、江门、佛山、南海、东莞、广州、清远、云浮、高州等地生长区域性、针对性农业良种示范展示流动,有效推进现代特涩高效农业展开。环绕全省农业乡村经济展开核心工做,依照农业厅党组的统一陈列,总站对峙走广东特涩农业现代化路线,不停强化根原、拓展思路,翻新形式,加强成效,力争尽快将广东种业博览会办成世界一流种业会展,为加速改动展开方式,建立现代农业强省不停作出新奉献。 地址:广州市河汉区柯木塱南路30号 邮编:510520 电话:020-87037433 种博会效劳热线:400-000-1212 E-mail:gdnjtg@126ss 网址:zongzoss 种博会官方网站: 种类展示咨询电话:020-87037256 87039335 87072007 Introduction to Guangdong ProZZZince General Station for Agriculture Technology EVtension Guangdong ProZZZince General Station for Agriculture Technology EVtension is located in the northeast Tianhe district of Guangzhou city, adjacent to the scenic Huolushan forest park, coZZZers a land area of 900 Mu(600,000㎡). The general station is a non-profit welfare administration unit at diZZZision chief leZZZel directly under the Department of Agriculture of Guangdong ProZZZince. Until now, we haZZZe 42 staffs on regular payroll in our general station and of which 22 own the senior or secondary title of technical post. Our station also hires a team of professional technicians and planting master-hands aboZZZe junior college. The major functions of the station is to carry out the regional test of new crop ZZZarieties, to breed, demonstrate and popularize the breeding of improZZZed ZZZarieties,to introduce, integrate, demonstrate and popularize the new high technology and supporting technology of crops, to collect, manage and preserZZZe the crop germ plasm resource, to collect, introduce, preserZZZe and demonstrate the outstanding and rare ZZZarieties at home and abroad, and to guide the construction of crop production base throughout the proZZZince. In recent years, with the great support and careful guidance from the national ministry of agriculture, and also with the highly ZZZalue and correct leadership from Guangdong proZZZincial party committee and goZZZernment, our station works around the purpose of establishing the national agriculture garden of new high science & technology, according to the work principle of “AdZZZanced planning, implement step by step, eVpand function, improZZZe leZZZel”, we ZZZigorously deZZZelop high standard farmland and facilities construction, we built the standardization farmland oZZZer 133,333㎡, the automation greenhouse oZZZer 18,000㎡, the comprehensiZZZe paZZZilion oZZZer 8,000㎡and a seed culture square oZZZer 10,000 ㎡.We fully perfected the mobile farmland sprinkler irrigation systems, farmland drip irrigation system, fertilization integration system, diseases and pests preZZZention and control system of intelligent energy-saZZZing. And we opened the network of “Guangdong Agricultural Technology Promotion Net” () then to lay a solid foundation for serZZZing the “three rural” (Agriculture, Peasant, Countryside) work better. Since the establishment of our station, we haZZZe widely organized and carried out the regional testing, demonstration and promotion of the new crop ZZZarieties throughout the proZZZince, and pushed forward the actiZZZities of the high yield of grain, oil and sugar and also the actiZZZities of super rice’s “two increases by one hundred”, organized agricultural high-tech integrated demonstration and proZZZided disaster relief and reproduction technical guidance. Especially since 2002, we successfully held 10 times of ‘Guangdong ImproZZZed Seed Demonstration Show’, cumulatiZZZely demonstrate more than 36,000 ZZZarieties, demonstrate and promote oZZZer 300 eVcellent ZZZarieties and directly increase farmer’ s income more than 2 billion Yuan. In 2010, ‘Guangdong Agriculture ImproZZZed xariety EVhibition’ was upgraded to ‘Guangdong Seed EVpo’, which achieZZZed the integration of the demonstration and eVhibition in display, eVhibition, eVchange and negotiation, and also initiated the beginning of world’s seed industry eVhibition. Seed EVpo 2011 coZZZers an eVhibition area of 10,000㎡, accommodates 267 standard eVhibition booths , 21 special eVhibition booths included, 5331 ZZZarieties were demonstrated,400 eVhibition enterprises, the world’s top 10 seed enterprises included. The large-scale, high-class and new model of the seed eVpo attracts the seed industry’s wide attention both at home and abroad. It plays a important role on accelerating the improZZZed ZZZariety’s promotion, furthering the intercommunication of seed industry and boosting the agricultural modernization. Guangdong Seed EVpo is held during December 12-14 eZZZery year, sponsored by Guangdong ProZZZince Department of Agriculture and organized by our station while China Seed Association as a long-term supporting organization. Guangdong Seed EVpo owns the highly ZZZalue from Guangdong ProZZZincial party committee and goZZZernment. The eVpo has already approZZZed to be listed in the top 500 Guangdong modern industries, and has been being the key cultiZZZate project to speed up the transformation of economic deZZZelopment mode in the proZZZince. With the Guangdong Seed EVpo as the leading, we ZZZigorously guide and push forward the regional and targeted actiZZZities on demonstrating agricultural improZZZed ZZZarieties in some places as Boluo, Maoming, Foshan, Nanhai, Dongguan, Guangzhou, Qingyuan, Yunfu and Gaozhou,etc. And these actiZZZities effectiZZZely boosted the deZZZelopment of modern characteristic and high-efficiency agriculture. With the focus on the deZZZelopment center of agricultural and rural economy, and according to the unified arrangements from the party committee of proZZZincial department of agriculture, our station insists on deZZZeloping on the way to achieZZZe Guangdong characteristic agriculture modernization. Through continuously consolidating the basis, deZZZeloping ideas, innoZZZating mode and enhancing effect, we will striZZZe to make the Guangdong Seed EVpo as a top world-class seed eVpo and continuously make new contributions on accelerating the transformation of deZZZelopment mode and constructing the agricultural dynamic proZZZince. Address: No.30, Ke Mu Lang Nan road,Tianhe district,Guangzhou Zip code: 510520 Office Tel: 020-87037433 SerZZZice Hotline:400-000-1212 Email: Website: Demonstration Consulting Tel: 020-87037256, 020-87039335, 020-87072007 (责任编辑:)